MPIF releases updated Standard 35 for PM Self-Lubricating Bearings
April 8, 2019
The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has released the 2019 edition of its MPIF Standard 35–SLB, Materials Standards for PM Self-Lubricating Bearings. This standard provides the design and materials engineer with the latest engineering property data and information available to specify materials for structural parts made using the PM process.
Each section of the standard is distinguished by easy-to-read data tables (Inch-Pound and SI units) and provides explanatory information for the materials listed. The standard, developed by the Powder Metallurgy commercial parts manufacturing industry, has reportedly been revised to make it cleaner and more concise.
MPIF Standard 35-SLB does not apply to materials for PM Structural Parts, powder forged or metal injection moulded (MIM) products, which are covered in separate editions of MPIF Standard 35.