MPIF to form trade association for the metal Additive Manufacturing industry

May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, has announced its intention to form a trade association for the metal Additive Manufacturing industry. An organisational meeting will be held at the conclusion of its AMPM2017 conference on June 16 at the Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas. Manufacturers of metal AM products, precursor materials and equipment manufacturers that support the metal AM industry are all welcome to attend.

As with existing MPIF affiliated associations, the tentatively named Association for Metal Additive Manufacturing’s (AMAM) main mission would be to increase the visibility and stature of metal AM within the industrial community and, in the process, enhance the metal AM industry’s opportunities for continued growth. MPIF considers this a logical connection and has complete support for such an association by the Federation’s Board of Governors.

The MPIF stated that this approach is being proposed because:

  • Metal AM represents a natural relationship to Powder Metallurgy (PM) technology;
  • MPIF is already well established as the organisation representing the worldwide interests of virtually all facets of PM technology;
  • MPIF has in place associations with combined parts manufacturing and supplier-base organisations, i.e., Metal Injection Molding Association;
  • Overseas members recognise and endorse MPIF as a highly respected international trade organisation.

Of all organisational options, the “trade association” has the greatest credibility and acceptance as being representative of an industry and its technology. By becoming a trade division of MPIF, AMAM will benefit from the well-established reputation and high regard with which this organisation is held by the government, the Department of Justice, and the engineering public. Other benefits of association will be discussed at the organisational meeting.

Those interested should contact Jim Adams: [email protected]

May 8, 2017

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