MPIF announces POWDERMET 2016 outstanding Technical Paper Award winner
August 16, 2016
The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has announced that the 2016 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award winner has now been selected from among the manuscripts presented at the POWDERMET2016 conference held in Boston, USA, June 5 – 8, 2016.
The MPIF Technical Board selected ‘Consolidation of Aerospace-Grade Aluminum 7055 Powder via Sinter-Forge Processing’ by Neal P. Kraus, Dalhousie University; D. Paul Bishop, Dalhousie University; Richard L. Hexemer, Jr., GKN Sinter Metals, LLC; and Ian W. Donaldson, FAPMI, GKN Sinter Metals, LLC.
The objective of the research published in the paper was to assess the response of gas atomised 7055 powder to a sinter-forge style of Powder Metallurgy processing. In meeting this objective the powder was processed through a three-stage sequence of cold isostatic pressing, liquid phase sintering and rotary forging. Core variables included average particle size, the effects of admixed sintering activators (Mg, Sn) and forging temperature.
The authors will receive their award plaques during POWDERMET2017, June 13–16, 2017, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The paper is published in the conference proceedings, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials – 2016. The paper is also available to read on the MPIF website’s listing of Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper award winners.