MPIF announces new association Presidents
April 4, 2018

Rodney Brennen (left) and Michael Stuckey (right) (Courtesy MPIF)
The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has announced that Rodney Brennen has been appointed President of the Powder Metallurgy Parts Association (PMPA) and Michael Stucky has been appointed President of the Metal Injection Molding Association (MIMA).
Rodney Brennen, Metco Industries, Inc., St. Marys, Pennsylvania, is a current member of the PMPA Board of Directors and MPIF Finance Committee. Brennen has over thirty years in the PM industry and is a past member of the Board of Directors of APMI International.
Michael Stucky, Norwood Injection Technologies LLC, Dayton, Ohio, is Chairman of the MIMA Standards Committee and current member of the MIMA Board of Directors and MPIF Technical Board. Stucky served as co-chairman for MIM2017 and MIM2018, and has been a member of numerous POWDERMET and AMPM Program Committees.