Mott Corporation expands market reach with acquisition of ASCO Filtri

March 1, 2022

Mott manufactures standard sintered metal filter cartridges in a broad range of materials and sizes (Courtesy Mott/ASCO)

Mott Corporation, Farmington, Connecticut, USA, has acquired ASCO Filtri, headquartered in Binasco, Italy, its longtime strategic partner in Europe and a manufacturer of filtration solutions for a wide range of markets. The move is expected to expand the companies’ international presence, offering the ability to manage and deliver critical filtration projects and products globally.

ASCO Filtri will operate under ‘ASCO Filtri: A Mott Company’ and will retain its team and locations. Ennio Michelini, Managing Director, and Massimo Mascheroni, General Manager, will join the Mott leadership team and will continue to manage ASCO Filtri business.

“Being part of Mott Corporation extends ASCO Filtri’s global reach and increases the range of solutions we can offer to our customers,” stated Michelini. “I’ve known and admired Mott for many years and this formal combination is a natural evolution of our partnership to better service customers.”

The combination results in a filtration and fluid control company offering an extensive material selection in key markets, including semiconductors, life sciences, clean energy, oil & gas, petrochemicals, chemicals, water purification, and aerospace & defence. Mott’s expanded product selection will now include reusable and disposable porous metal, ceramic, and polymer filters, as well as a wide range of complementary offerings such as spargers, coalescers, and skids.

Boris Levin, CEO of Mott, added, “The acquisition of ASCO Filtri, our long-term partner in Europe, Middle East, and Africa creates proximity to our global customers and expands our products and design capabilities. We have worked as a close partner with ASCO Filtri for quite some time and have always been impressed by the quality of their people, technical capabilities, and strong product offering – all of which are quite complementary to Mott.”

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