Micro Metals appoints Steve Krise as CEO

May 30, 2022

Steve Krise has been brought on as the CEO of Micro Metals (Courtesy Micro Metals)

Micro Metals, Inc, Jamestown, Tennessee, USA, has announced Steve Krise as its new CEO. Krise brings with him over three decades of industry experience working in various roles throughout the metal powder industry. For the last thirteen years, he has focused on growing sales thirtyfold for Miba AG.

“I always try to engage every person, to really connect with each one,” Krise stated. “That’s my secret to success. My vision is to create a culture that makes everyone feel like they can make a difference, no matter what position they’re in.”

He continued, “I’m excited and grateful to be here. We’re going to improve and grow the plant, investing in assets and technologies to enhance our competitiveness in an ever-evolving industry. Most importantly, we’re going to invest in our people, who are proud of the history of Micro Metals and passionate about its future success.”

Chris Wright, president of Alderman Enterprises, added, “We were obviously impressed by Steve’s great accomplishments and background in the powder metal space. But what excites us most is his focus on empowering people and doing things the right way. We believe his approach will yield not only a bright financial future for the company but a healthy and sustainable culture for years to come.”




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