Miba and Voltlabor join EU battery initiative EuBatIn

February 2, 2021

Miba’s FLEXcooler, a battery heat sink, has won several innovation awards (Courtesy Miba AG)

In order to achieve one of its chief strategic goals of competitive European battery production, the EU Commission has launched a new initiative: ‘EuBatIn’, reports Miba AG, Laakirchen, Austria. Two of the six Austrian companies invited to participate were Miba AG and Voltlabor, a company in which Miba holds a stake.

During a two-year qualification process, the technologies of Miba and Voltlabor were evaluated. After rigorous assessment of the business models and growth prospects was also carried out, the two companies’ potentials were confirmed to be at EU level. Inclusion in the EuBatIn will act as an additional growth spurt for both companies, hoping for quicker establishment of their battery technologies on the market.

Miba has seen customer interest among automotive manufacturers for the FLEXcooler®, a battery heat sink that has won several innovation awards.

“Battery technologies are a relatively new business area for Miba,” stated F Peter Mitterbauer, Miba CEO. “However, we see strong growth opportunities in it. And it fits perfectly with our corporate mission: Technologies for a cleaner planet.”

“We want to use Miba technologies to contribute to the efficient and therefore environmentally friendly production, transmission, storage and use of energy. This ranges from drive technology for vehicles, ships and aircraft, for example, to solutions for power plants and electricity grids, and even battery technology.”

The inclusion of Voltlabor, a comparatively small player, has shown the position of the company at the forefront of battery technology in Austria. Now, with the country’s battery production investment in the millions, Voltlabor GmbH will be the largest Austrian manufacturer of Li-ion battery packs.



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