LTi Metaltech creates new metallurgical testing laboratory

April 20, 2016

April 20, 2016

LTi Metaltech, a precision fabrication and welding specialist based in Abingdon, UK, has announced the formation of a new division called Metaltest UK as part of its expansion into metallurgical testing. The facility will be wholly independent and established by May 2016 on the Milton Science Park, near Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Metaltest UK will become one of the only dedicated metallurgical testing providers of its kind in the region.


Following the incorporation of the new division into the group and investment in new state-of-the-art equipment, the new metallurgical testing laboratory will fill the void left by the recent closure of the Caparo Testing Laboratory (CTT) in Witney and the resultant loss of associated inspection services. The laboratory will be staffed by expert personnel previously employed by Caparo to maintain and expand client projects and help build the new customer portfolio.

Metaltest UK, which plans to start operations during the second quarter of this year, is led by Phil Lacey, Operations Director at LTi Metaltech. “This year will be one of the most significant years for LTi Metaltech, and based on a strategy earmarked for growth and diversification. From our production of key specialised parts of MRI scanners and bespoke fabrication expertise, we know that our project management, technical support and competitive pricing has placed us as a lead innovator within the market,” stated Lacey.

Metaltest UK has invested in new equipment that will enable high-tech solutions for metallurgical testing such as Tensile, Charpy, Hardness and Macro/Micro-examinations. The company anticipates that UKAS accreditation will be awarded soon following an official audit.

“Metaltest UK will combine its vision for the future and foundation of the same dedicated account handlers who are fully versed of manufacturing demands, understand the market and have a proven track record. We are hoping that Metaltest UK will become the UK’s supplier of choice for weld and metallurgical testing capabilities.”  

April 20, 2016

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