Kishor Kulkarni retires from Advanced Metalworking Practices

December 16, 2008

December 16, 2008

Dr. Kishor M. Kulkarni, President of Advanced Metalworking Practices, recently retired from the company which he had founded in 1984. The company has produced ready-to-use feedstocks for metal injection moulding (MIM) since 1988. Its ADVAMET® feedstocks are well regarded in the MIM industry and the company was purchased in November 2007 by Purity Zinc Metals, LLC, in Clarksville, TN, USA and continues to operate as Advanced Metalworking Practices, LLC, in Carmel, IN, USA Previously, Dr. Kulkarni held managerial positions with Cabot Corp., SCM Glidden Metals and the IIT Research Institute in Chicago.

Dr. Kulkarni has been active in many engineering societies for more than 30 years. He is a recipient of the prestigious lifetime award of Fellow of APMI (2002) and Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy award of MPIF (2003). He was a co-chair of the annual conference of MPIF in San Francisco in 1985. He is a Fellow and Past Trustee of ASM International. He established for ASM the ASM-IIM Visiting Lecture program which facilitates technical presentations in India by the award recipients. He has also served on various committees of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Manufacturing Engineers and SAE International.

Kishor has over fifty technical publications in diverse disciplines such as MIM, PM processing of High Speed Steels, isothermal forging of Titanium alloys, squeeze casting, forging and lubrication. He received his bachelor’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay) in 1965 and Ph. D. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT Chicago) in 1972.

For more information, please contact Dr. Kishor M. Kulkarni by E-mail at [email protected] or by mail at Accent Kulkarni Enterprises, Inc., 12227 Crestwood Drive, Carmel, IN 46033, USA. 

December 16, 2008

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