KBM Advanced Materials launches to sell metal powders for AM and MIM

May 12, 2021

KBM has launched to sell and distribute metal powders to the AM and MIM sectors (Courtesy KBM)

KBM Advanced Materials, LLC, Fairfield, Ohio, USA, has formally launched operations to finance, sell and distribute metal powders to companies in the Additive Manufacturing, Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) and broader advanced manufacturing markets across the United States.

The distribution network established by KBM will allow it to become a bridge between a dispersed advanced manufacturing customer base and large metal powder producers. The business model will enable exceptionally fast quoting and shipping, with a goal of providing products to customers within days. Producers can also schedule their production equipment to larger regular blanket orders from KBM.

In addition, KBM will provide an e-commerce platform for customers that is not currently available at scale from any producer or supplier.

The powder will be sold under the powder producer’s brand names; the brand equity and recognition of the producers will be retained and enhanced as access to their products is increased. Currently KBM has inventory agreements with Carpenter Additive, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Höganäs AB, Sweden; and Tekna, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

“It is essential to us that we partner with companies that are established industry leaders in order for our customers to have the confidence that they are receiving the best possible product and service,” stated Kevin Kemper, CEO, KBM. “Our current catalogue of powder producers are some of the most trusted in the industry.”

Support for KBM includes equity investment from Koch Metallics, LLC, a subsidiary of Koch Minerals & Trading, LLC, headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, USA, and Sumitomo Corporation of Americas, New Your City, is acting as a supply chain partner. Technical and commercial support is provided by The Barnes Global Advisors, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the largest independent Additive Manufacturing engineering consultancy.

Hap Palmer, vice president, Koch Metallics, commented “Koch is excited to partner with KBM, as they look to transform the Additive Manufacturing supply chain. The team at KBM Advanced Materials thoroughly researched the market and provided a business plan that left no doubt as to their ability to revolutionise the Additive Manufacturing and MIM metal powder marketplace. This investment opportunity supports Koch’s mission to create a mutually beneficial partnership that will build more efficient supply chains in exciting and growing industries.”

An online launch will take place on May 20, 2021, wherein stakeholders will be provided a short overview provided by breakout networking. The company plans a rollout to the European market in Q4 of 2021 and to Asia early in 2022.


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