KAM and Gränges Powder Metallurgy partner to expand high-performance DISPAL alloy use

March 8, 2023

Keselowski Advanced Manufacturing (KAM), Statesville, North Carolina, USA, has partnered with Gränges Powder Metallurgy (GPM) – headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and represented in the United States by JD Technologies Global – to expand GPM’s Additive Manufacturing business, including its DISPAL® aluminium material, in the US.

DISPAL is said to be superior to aluminium, with high-temperature resistance, significantly reduced wear, high stiffness and strength, low density & weight, a very low coefficient of thermal expansion, and excellent thermal shock behaviour. It is also lighter than steel and reported to be cheaper than titanium.

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Industries that GPM believe benefit from the advantages of DISPAL materials include aerospace, satellite technology, military & defence, high-precision industrial automation, and demanding applications such as pumps, laser systems, hydraulics, and optical structures.

“We’re really excited to be able to work with GPM’s DISPAL material as it provides additional design freedom and light-weighting of parts, while maintaining the strength needed for critical applications,” stated Jim O’Toole, KAM VP of Engineering and Sales. “This will be a win-win for our customers in the space and aerospace industries.”

Joakim Andersson, Granges Sales Director/New Sales, added, “We’re thrilled to be partnered with KAM in the United States. Their team understands what our proven DISPAL material offers, including enhanced performance and significant life cycle cost savings. This partnership allows us to offer DISPAL when Additive Manufacturing is the optimum solution.”



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