Japan Powder Metallurgy Association celebrates 60th Anniversary
August 16, 2016
The Japan Powder Metallurgy Association (JPMA) is celebrating its 60th Anniversary in 2016. The association was established in April 1956 and has actively represented Japan’s Powder Metallurgy industry whilst promoting PM technology ever since.
At an event held earlier this year, a total of 213 people including representatives from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy (JSPM), the related association members, JPMA OB members and JPMA members met to recognise this milestone. Speakers included Mamoru Moritani, JPMA President, Tsuyoshi Toyama, Director of METI and Jun Sakai, President of JSPM.

Mamoru Moritani, JPMA President
During his presentation, Mamoru Moritani described the history of the JPMA and gave an overview of the last 10 years of the PM industry in Japan and the world. The importance of educating those who are entrusted with the future of PM was reiterated and a special commendation was awarded to Professor Ryuzo Watanabe, Adviser of JPMA and Honorary Professor of Tohoku University, for his long service and contribution to the PM industry.

A special commendation was awarded to Professor Ryuzo Watanabe, Adviser of JPMA and Honorary Professor of Tohoku University