Ipsen heat treatment course offers overview and training

May 16, 2018

May 16, 2018

Ipsen heat treatment course offers overview and training

Participants at the Ipsen U course


Ipsen has reported that its first Ipsen U course of the year was held in April, where attendees received an extensive overview of furnace equipment, processes and maintenance. The three-day course, held at the company’s Cherry Valley facility in Illinois, USA, also provided hands-on training and open discussion for all levels of experience in the heat-treating industry.

Participants learned about an extensive range of topics – from an introduction to vacuum and atmosphere furnaces to heat treating, furnace controls, subsystems and maintenance. They viewed the different furnace components first-hand, while learning how each affects other parts of the furnace and/or specific processes. The course also included a tour of Ipsen’s facility.

Ipsen designs and manufactures industrial vacuum and atmosphere heat-treating systems, supervisory controls systems and predictive maintenance software platforms for a wide variety of industries, including Aerospace, Automotive, Commercial Heat Treating, Energy and Medical.

Further Ipsen U classes are scheduled to take place June 5-7, August 7-9 and October 2-4.


May 16, 2018

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