Interest in Euro PM2011 exceeds expectations
August 9, 2011
With less than three months to go before the annual Euro PM Congress & Exhibition, the European Powder Metallurgy Association reports that the exhibition has now sold out. This will make for one of the largest dedicated PM exhibitions this year, with over 100 companies from around the world participating.
“The level of interest from exhibiting companies at this year’s event is a good indicator that confidence is starting to come back into the Powder Metallurgy industry supply sector,” stated Andrew Almond, Euro PM Exhibition Manager.
The Euro PM2011 international exhibition will provide delegates and visitors with the chance to up-date their contacts, network with potential suppliers and see at first hand the new developments in the industry, all in one place. There will also be the opportunity to see pressing equipment displays, discuss new projects and sample a range of industry related magazines/journals.
After hours, participants will have the opportunity to relax and enjoy the rich history and wonderful sights of one of Europe’s more dynamic cities, Barcelona.
In addition to the day-to-day business of PM there will be a full range of social programme tours and receptions, including an exhibition reception sponsored by and a Gala Dinner that will take place at the Casa Llotja de Mar in the heart of Barcelona.
Advanced delegate bookings for this year’s event are now being taken, with the 2nd September as the final day for taking advantage of the discounts available.
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