Innovative electric vehicle axle featuring Powder Metallurgy gears
May 8, 2012
A functional model of an innovative transmission concept for electric vehicles with improved noise vibration and harshness (NVH) and efficiency performance was presented at the International CTI Symposium and Exhibition in Berlin, late last year.
The transmission, featuring powder metallurgy (PM) gears, is the result of collaboration between Höganäs AB, Vicura AB, one of the world’s leading transmission design houses and specialist gear manufacturer SwePart AB. The result is an innovative transmission that offers lower manufacturing costs, lower weight and less noise – typical demands by manufacturers of electric vehicles.
“The key criteria has been lower noise levels – because you don’t have masking noise from a combustion engine – and low costs, because a low-volume product like electric cars require cost-efficient solutions. This transmission fulfils both criteria,” states Magnus Wall, Sales Director at Vicura.
Anders Flodin, Manager Gear Technology at Höganäs, added, “We have proved the PM gear concept on a more experimental scale and now we have one of the world’s top gear design experts at one of the top design houses taking this forward to the market. Vicura and its customers will reap the benefits in terms of lower costs, lighter weight, less noise and improved fuel economy.”
SwePart has contributed with its expertise of gear design and gear making. Engineering Manager Hans Hansson stated “Our three companies are the first to make PM gears for this application, and this will enable us to build up unique knowledge and therefore put us in a strong position for entering new markets.”
Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]
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