Howards Racing Components offers high performance powder forged connecting rods to aftermarket

September 16, 2015

September 16, 2015

Howards Racing Components, based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA, is offering a range of powder forged Powder Metallurgy connecting rods to the performance aftermarket sector. As reported by, the connecting rods are produced in partnership with GKN Sinter Metals and together the companies have developed a product that is aimed at performance engine builds.


The hot-forging process uses a 750-ton press to

ensure the material’s dense structure is

finalised prior to the machining operations

(Image courtesy

“Forged powder metal technology features an extremely dense grain structure when compared to a billet or conventional forging,” stated HRC’s President, Steve Mugerauer. “It uses task-oriented steel materials that are too costly for high performance OEM connecting rods. Howards tailored the composition to excel in a racing environment when developing these products.”

Powder forging can offer significant advantages in the production of connecting rods. It offers higher material utilisation over drop forged alternatives, as well as better weight variation control. The process involves a reduced number of machining operations and has lower overall production costs.

“We used CAD solids modeling for proof of concept and machined models from billet. We also use Finite Element Analysis to accurately simulate stress and reaction to stress, which allows for better strength and weight reduction in the correct places,” added Mugerauer. 

September 16, 2015

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