Höganäs restructures senior management of its automotive segment

June 29, 2020

Shashi Shekhar Shukla becomes president for Continent EMEA and Andreas Jähnke joins as president for the Electro & Mechanical Technologies product area (Courtesy Höganäs AB)

Sweden’s Höganäs AB has made changes to the senior management of its automotive segment to accelerate growth. The restructuring effort sees Shashi Shekhar Shukla, former president of the Electro & Mechanical Technologies product area, assume a new leading role in the company as president for Continent EMEA. In this new role, Shukla will be responsible for Höganäs’ business in EMEA, a market with several sales offices. 

Andreas Jähnke, currently executive vice president of R&D at global automotive supplier Haldex, joins Höganäs AB as president for the Electro & Mechanical Technologies product area. 

“Andreas Jähnke’s in-depth knowledge of the automotive industry makes him a perfect fit for our ambitious growth agenda,” stated Fredrik Emilson, Höganäs CEO. 

“In 2018, we established Alvier Mechatronics, an engineering company that will push the boundaries in the development of electric drive systems for the automotive industry. Through Alvier Mechatronics’ and Höganäs’ joint offering, we improve design processes and create cost-efficient high-performing electric motors. This is where Andreas Jähnke’s competence comes in.”

Emilson added, “Shashi Shukla’s task is to accelerate the business and support our customers in reaching their goals. This is an exciting new step for Shashi and I am confident that his strong background within sales and business unit management is right for the role.”

Höganäs states that both Andreas Jähnke and Shashi Shukla are members of the Höganäs Group Management team. Shashi Shukla assumes his new role  on September 1, 2020, and will continue as head of Electro & Mechanical Technologies product area until Andreas Jähnke joins the company.


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