Höganäs closes Niagara Falls plant due to hydrogen supply issues

Companies & MarketsNews
November 18, 2021

November 18, 2021

Sweden’s Höganäs AB has had to end production at its Niagara Falls, New York, USA, plant due to an unforeseen hydrogen supply shortage. Operations at the facility ended November 1 and full plant closure is expected to take place December 1.

“We are deeply sorry to announce that we need to close our production in Niagara Falls,” stated Fredrik Emilson, CEO of Höganäs. “Our main priorities are our employees and customers, and we are committed to supporting them through this difficult time. This has not been an easy decision to make, and we have worked very hard to find viable alternatives to solve the current situation.”

In August 2021, Höganäs’ long-term supplier of hydrogen gas announced – with very short notice – that it was going to close, which resulted in the end of the Niagara Falls facility’s hydrogen gas supply. While the company explored alternatives to limit the effects, Höganäs was unable to find a solution.

From its Niagara Falls plant, Höganäs produced metal powder for automotive and aircraft brake pads, food fortification, and water treatment. Due to the unexpected shortage in the hydrogen gas supply necessary to run its production process, the company has ended its production, affecting thirty-three employees.

Dean Howard, president of America’s Höganäs, added, “We have contacted all possible suppliers, but, with the current severe shortage in the North American market due to high demand, we have – unfortunately – not been able to find a solution given the timeframe needed. Naturally, we are doing our utmost in maintaining the best standards of service to our customers.”


Companies & MarketsNews
November 18, 2021

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