Höganäs appoints Johanna Rosén and Paul Schrotti to board of directors

May 8, 2018

May 8, 2018

Höganäs appoints Johanna Rosén and Paul Schrotti to board of directors

Paul Schrotti (right), new CEO for Lindéngruppen AB, and Johanna Rosén (left), Professor in Material Physics at Linköping University (Courtesy Höganäs)


Sweden’s Höganäs AB has appointed Johanna Rosén, Professor in Material Physics at Linköping University, and Paul Schrotti, recently appointed CEO for Lindéngruppen AB, to its board of directors. Jenny Lindén Urnes, former CEO of Lindéngruppen and board member since 2004, and Peter Gossas, board member since 2008, will leave the board.

On departing the board, Urnes commented, “Höganäs is a fantastic company and it has been extremely rewarding and fun to follow the company’s development. I became a board member in 2004 and during now almost fifteen years, Höganäs has gone through a huge transformation. Paul Schotti will in his new role as CEO for Lindéngruppen replace me as owner representative.”

Fredrik Emilson, CEO Höganäs, added, “We are very happy to have Johanna and Paul on-board. They will support Höganäs with their knowledge and experiences. Johanna with her great knowledge and competence within material design from the academia and Paul with his operative background. At the same time it is of course sad that Jenny and Peter have decided to leave and we want to thank them for their contributions during their years as members.”

Kerstin Konradsson, CEO Boliden Smelters and board member since 2016, will take on Gossas’s operative competencies within the board, while Lisa Kjellén, Manager for the business area Brazing, will replace Nils Carlbaum as employee representative.


May 8, 2018

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