Höganäs adds wind turbines in pursuit of sustainability goals

July 10, 2024

Höganäs has bought two pre-owned wind turbines for its plant in Ahmednagar, India, generating 15% of the plant’s electricity consumption (Courtesy Höganäs AB)
Höganäs has bought two pre-owned wind turbines for its plant in Ahmednagar, India, generating 15% of the plant’s electricity consumption (Courtesy Höganäs AB)

Metal powder producer Höganäs AB, headquartered in Höganäs, Sweden, has bought two pre-owned wind turbines for its plant in Ahmednagar, India. The wind turbines are now operational and generating around 15% of the plant’s electricity, helping the company move towards its goal of becoming 100% fossil fuel-free across all production sites.

“At Höganäs, we are dedicated to leading by example and setting a standard within the metal powder industry that large corporations can successfully integrate renewable energy sources into their operations,” stated Catharina Nordeman, Höganäs’ VP Group Sustainability.

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The wind turbines, located around 100 km from the plant, are capable of generating 1.25 MW of electricity. The investment is seen as a pivotal step in the company’s ongoing efforts to transition to renewable energy sources and lower its carbon footprint by reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.

Sharad Magar, Director Operations at Höganäs in India, added, “Integrating these wind turbines into our operations will help maximise the conversion of thermal energy to renewable energy. It will be good learning opportunity to get energy through open access for implementation of our plans on getting solar power in near future.”

The company is also exploring options for investing in solar energy for its plant in India. The company has identified the potential to increase renewable energy usage to 85%, which will further reduce energy costs while aligning it with its sustainability agenda.


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