Höganäs achieves 100% solar power milestone at Korean manufacturing plant

February 3, 2025

Höganäs’ Busan plant has become the first in the company to operate entirely on renewable energy (Courtesy Höganäs AB)
Höganäs’ Busan plant has become the first in the company to operate entirely on renewable energy (Courtesy Höganäs AB)

Sweden’s Höganäs AB, has shared that its plant in Busan, Korea, is the first within the company to operate entirely on renewable energy sourced from solar panels.

At the start of 2024, around 80% of the plant’s total energy consumption was powered by self-generated renewable energy. Building on this success, the plant set an ambitious goal of operating on 100% renewable energy.

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That goal has now been achieved; with the installation of an additional 100kW capacity, the Busan plant officially transitioned to operating entirely on renewable energy.

“As the first Höganäs plant to operate entirely on solar energy, this achievement is a critical step forward. We will closely monitor the plant’s performance across different seasons and weather conditions, ensuring we gather valuable insights. These findings will serve as a guide for other plants looking to adopt similar renewable energy solutions,” said Seungjoo Kim, Busan plant manager.

“South Korea is the eight biggest countries in terms of carbon dioxide emission per capita, and the electricity sector plays the major role. As much as two-thirds of the electricity is sourced from fossil fuels, whilst electricity generated by solar panel represents just 5.2 percent,” stated Henry Lee, Market President Korea. “I do hope our 100 per cent milestone at the Busan plant serves as a good example not only within the group, but also other neighbouring manufacturing companies, as we all need to accelerate to make radical changes in the coming years. Furthermore, this achievement is not the end of our journey, but we remain committed to continuous improvements.”


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