Hilti receives gold rating in EcoVadis assessment for third consecutive year

August 25, 2023

The Hilti Group, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, has achieved a gold rating in this year’s EcoVadis assessment, marking the company’s third consecutive year of gold status. Additionally, the sustainability rating agency has recognised Hilti as a “Leader in Carbon Management” and a “company with a best-in-class greenhouse gas management system and strong ambitions for decarbonisation.”

The basis for this rating is the group’s commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). As part of this initiative, companies worldwide commit to significantly reducing their carbon footprint by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

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Furthermore, EcoVadis acknowledged the progress made by Hilti in the key areas of environmental responsibility and business ethics as compared to the previous year’s assessment. Of particular note was the company’s commendable level of transparency regarding the life cycle of its products.

EcoVadis awards its gold rating to the top 5% of the 100,000+ companies that are evaluated across all industries worldwide. “We aim to be our customers’ best partner for sustainability,” shared Jahangir Doongaji, CEO of the Hilti Group. “This year’s rating encourages us to further drive our ambitions. Besides our goal to become more sustainable ourselves, our differentiated product and service offering helps our customers to reach their own ambitions in this area.”

The agency evaluates companies based on a total of 21 criteria across four primary categories: environment, labour and human rights, business ethics, and sustainable procurement. These evaluation criteria are aligned with international sustainability standards, including the principles of the UN Global Compact, the conventions of the International Labor Organization, the Global Reporting Initiative standard, ISO 26000, and the principles of the Certification of Environmental Standards.


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