Hilti Group appoints new CEO

December 11, 2013

December 11, 2013

The Hilti Group, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, has announced that Christoph Loos will be its new CEO starting January 1, 2014. Loos will succeed Bo Risberg who leaves the company after seven years as CEO due to the Group’s internal age regulations.


Christoph Loos will be the new CEO of Hilti

Christoph Loos is the fifth CEO in the nearly 75 year history of the Hilti Group. Succession in the Group’s Executive Board is planned well in advance and takes place exclusively with internal candidates. According to Hilti’s internal age regulations Executive Board members must leave the company’s operative management when turning 56.

Loos joined Hilti in 2001 as the Head of Group Strategy and in 2003 he moved to Hilti’s German market organisation where he began as the Head of Sales before assuming duties as General Manager at the beginning of 2005. In 2007 Loos joined the Group’s Executive Board where he was responsible for the Finance, Human Resources and IT units. Since 2011 he has been responsible for the Emerging Markets and Energy & Industry units.

The retiring CEO, Bo Risberg, joined Hilti Group in 1999 and has been a member of the Executive Board since 2001, taking over CEO duties in 2007. Due to the ongoing challenges caused by the financial and currency crises Risberg remained CEO one year longer than originally planned. Corporate governance factors will prevent Bo Risberg from moving to the Hilti Group Board of Directors as the Board already counts two former Group CEOs among its members.

“Along with his Executive Board colleagues, Bo Risberg has shaped and developed the Hilti Group for the last seven years. Despite extensive challenges he always understood how to keep the company on track and knew how to steer it back onto a successful path,” stated Board Chairman Pius Baschera.

“Hilti is a healthy company, it is financially stable and future-oriented. Christoph Loos now faces significant and great work. I am convinced that with his management experience and competence he will continue the successful work of Bo Risberg,” added Baschera.



December 11, 2013

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