Hi-line highlights the benefits of in-house nitrogen and oxygen generation

November 21, 2018

November 21, 2018

Hi-line highlights the benefits of in-house nitrogen and oxygen generation

A nitrogen generator system produced by Hi-line (Courtesy Hi-line Industries Ltd)


Hi-line Industries Ltd, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, UK, has launched its latest series of in-house nitrogen and oxygen generators. The new generators are said to be high-purity and low-energy, and use Pressure Swing Absorption (PSA) technology.

On launching its new generator series, Hi-line sought to highlight the benefits of in-house nitrogen and oxygen generation over bottled or tank deliveries. “Nitrogen and oxygen are two of the planet’s most abundant gases, yet many businesses spend thousands in having it delivered, typically in cylinders or bulk tanks,” the company commented. “Paying top prices for something that is essentially free simply does not make commercial sense.”

According to Hi-line, the savings to be made by generating nitrogen and oxygen on site can be significant. It stated that many large gas-producing companies offer nitrogen at UHP (Ultra High Purity) of 99.99999%, while the application in hand may only require a purity of only 98% or 95%. Using an N2 system from Hi-line, the cost of a 98% pure generator against a 99.99999% pure generator of the same flow is ten times cheaper.

Hi-line’s N2 generators use a different type of control technology to that used by traditional PSA N2 generators. Using a variable speed type technology, the generator only runs when the process is calling for N2; when no N2 requirement is needed, the generator enters stand-by mode. On starting the generator, N2 is delivered at the exact purity required, due to the incorporation of a buffer/polishing tank along with a high purity storage vessel on the skid, meaning no down-time is experienced whilst waiting to reach purity.

The cycle therefore has the potential to continuously produce high-quality nitrogen, twenty-four hours a day. Further, the incorporated carbon molecular sieve incorporated in Hi-line’s N2 generators is fully regenerative and has a life span over 40,000 operational hours. Nitrogen gas is used in a wide range of industries where safe, inert environments are required, such as the petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, paint and varnish sectors, as well as in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, together with electronic and glass products.

Aside from the cost advantages available, Hi-line noted a multitude of further advantages associated with in-house N2/O2 generation, such as independence from third-party gas supplies and market price fluctuations, as well as the elimination of logistical tasks associated with the processing and ordering of bottled or liquid nitrogen, as well as the management of suppliers. In addition, the generator equipment is said to be modular and flexible, and has very low maintenance requirements.

Hi-line is said to be able to design bespoke generator systems for customers that ensure the lowest possible running costs and smallest footprint. Manufacturing takes place at the company’s new facility in Burton upon Trent, which is three times the size of Hi-line’s previous headquarters.


November 21, 2018

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