Heraeus acquires Biomain AB
April 10, 2012
The Business Group Hereaus Dental, part of the precious metals and technology group Hereaus based in Hanau, Germany, recently acquired all the shares of Biomain AB in Helsingborg, Sweden.
Heraeus Dental is a leading global supplier of materials and solutions for a broad range of products used by dentists and dental technicians. Hereaus produces its ‘cara’ brand dental products such as milled or sintered crowns and bridges using modern CAD/CAM technology. The range of materials includes zirconia, polymers, cobalt chromium and titanium.
Biomain AB has been involved in the manufacture of customized CAD/CAM-based implant borne prosthetics since 2002 and manufactures high precision CAD/CAM frameworks, suprastructures and prosthetic components in its production and development centre in Helsingborg, Sweden. Products include the I-Bridge2® implant bridge with its patented and versatile angled screw design made of laser sintered cobalt chromium, milled titanium or zirconia.
The acquisition of Biomain AB will strengthen Heraeus’ presence in the Northern European CAD/CAM market and at the same time expands its patent and product portfolio in digital implant borne prosthetics.
“We are impressed by the outstanding technical and manufacturing expertise as well as the spirit of the Biomain staff”, stated Dr. Martin Schuster, Head of Division Prosthetics at Heraeus Kulzer GmbH.
The former main owners of Biomain, founder Jerry Wiener and entrepreneur Joachim Samuelsson, are equally convinced, stating, “The competences, product ranges and regional strengths of Heraeus and Biomain ideally complement each other. Our customers in the dental labs will enormously benefit from that.”
Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor ipmd.net, [email protected]
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