HC Starck joins Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Center for Heat Treating Excellence

April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016

HC Starck has announced it is to partnership with the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Center for Heat Treating Excellence (CHTE), based in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. The CHTE is an alliance between the industrial sector and university researchers that addresses short and long-term needs in the heat treating and thermal processing industry.

”We are very excited to join the team at WPI Center for Heat Treating Excellence,” stated Dmitry Shashkov, Member of HC Starck’s Executive Board and Head of the Fabricated Products Division. “With our commitment to quality and technological expertise, we work side-by-side with our customers to ensure they have the highest quality product. We are also rapidly growing our business to match the demands of the global marketplace, working with OEM and aftermarket furnace manufacturers on their new designs. To match this growth, HC Starck has made significant investments in our fabrication capabilities and we are leading the development of new materials for high temperature applications to improve cost and performance for our customers.”

HC Starck’s product portfolio includes boats, trays, heating elements, thermal shields, hot zones, furnace racks and assemblies. The company added that its team of research engineers are continually developing new materials for high temperature vacuum and inert atmosphere furnaces for industrial processes such as annealing, brazing, heat treating, HIP, melting, pre-heating, powder processing, sintering, tempering and MIM.

These innovative materials help improve furnace cycle time, maintain temperature uniformity and reduce carbon contamination. The benefits for customers include less component rejections, better handling and reduced production cost compared to graphite and ceramics.



April 6, 2016

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