Harper International launches new lab-scale rotary furnace

October 5, 2021

Harper International has launched a new the lab-scale rotary furnace (Courtesy Harper International)

Thermal processing solutions provider Harper International, Buffalo, New York, USA, has announced the launch of a new lab-scale rotary furnace. The furnace is aimed at producers of advanced materials, enabling them to optimise process parameters on a small scale to ensure capability and quality requirements are achieved, prior to investment in production-scale thermal process equipment.

The new lab-scale furnace is said to deliver superior temperature uniformity for batch or continuous processing of advanced materials, including granular, powder or particulate aggregates at operating temperatures up to 1200°C. Harper also offers add-on options for controlled atmospheres and material handling.

Additionally, the company utilises this furnace in the Ignite® programme at its Technology Research Center. Ignite allows clients to run feasibility demonstrations and experimental campaigns while leveraging Harper’s expertise in process development and process optimisation.

“We are excited to offer the lab-scale rotary furnace as an off-the-shelf solution for clients looking to make their innovations become reality,” stated Paul Elwell, vice president of Sales and Marketing, Harper International. “With this new product, Harper clients maintain control and access to lab-scale furnace testing and resources to better meet their project timelines and investment profiles.”


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