GKN Sinter Metals to showcase its drivetrain component capabilities

June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014

GKN Sinter Metal’s TechCenter in Radevormwald, Germany, has for a number of years been working to optimise manual and automatic gearboxes for use with sintered drivetrain components. During the VDI Drivetrain Congress, June 24 – 25, Friedrichshafen, Germany, GKN will present its field-tested gear developments.

The TechCenter has been working in conjunction with universities and renowned research institutions, such as the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University, that specialise in materials science and drivetrain technologies. Powder metal production processes are environmentally friendly, producing safe and quiet-running components with a long service life. The engineers at GKN Sinter Metals see these products as the future trend of gearbox design.

Antonio Casellas, Vice President of GKN Sinter Metals Global Product Management, stated, “Powder Metallurgy is a pioneering technology. It offers a variety of process options with specially designed metal powders to meet the increasing demands of the various drivetrain applications. Powder metal offers new possibilities in geometry, such as undercuts, ‘green-in-green’ technology or helical gears to innovate gearbox design.”

Synchronizer rings and passenger car connecting rods represent a selection of high volume components that GKN produces for drivetrain applications. A natural extension to this technology is the development of powder forged gearbox components with helical teeth.

Visit GKN Sinter Metals at booth #94 during the VDI Drivetrain Congress


The graph highlights the flank and root performance of 16MnCr5E and relevant core density (Courtesy GKN Sinter Metals)



For more information on PM gear developments download our article ‘Powder Metallurgy Gears: Opportunities for enhancing automotive transmission design’ in Powder Metallurgy Review Spring 2014.


June 18, 2014

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