GKN Powder Metallurgy to launch GKN Hydrogen business unit

April 14, 2021

GKN Powder Metallurgy has formed GKN Hydrogen, a new business unit focused on pioneering safe and emission-free storage of green hydrogen to drive the global energy transition.

The business unit is said to provide proven, all-in-one clean energy management systems that enable pioneers and innovators around the world to achieve their zero-emissions goals today and in the future.

GKN Hydrogen’s 100% recyclable product suite has been developed and refined over the last eight years to become a reliable and secure hydrogen energy storage solution on the market, explained the company. The systems generate green hydrogen from fluctuating renewable energy sources and store it compactly and loss-free in metal hydride over long periods of time.

When required, the green hydrogen can be used directly for the mobility sector or converted back into electricity and heat for a variety of applications. The modular system design allows for maximum versatility, from emergency power backup and off-grid energy supply to residential housing, maritime transport, and large-scale industry. This makes GKN Hydrogen an enabler for a decentralised, carbon-neutral energy supply infrastructure.

GKN Hydrogen will commence business activities in the second quarter of 2021 and will hold a virtual launch event on May 11 from 3:30–5:00 pm CET to deliver more information about the technology. The event will feature internal speakers from GKN Powder Metallurgy including Peter Oberparleiter, CEO – Visionary Leadership; Guido Degen, COO – Business Development; Gottfried Rier, CTO – System Execution; and Nils Bornemann, VP – Advanced Technology.


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