Freeman Technology offers online resources on powder flow and behaviour

March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

Freeman Technology, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, UK, has published a summary of the current online resources for powder flow and powder behaviour that are available to access via its website. 

The online resources include the following:

Powder rheology

Powder rheology is the study of the behaviour of powders as bulk assemblies, consisting of solids, liquids and gases. This webpage explains how powder rheology allows users to measure the dynamic flow and shear properties of powders as well as quantifying bulk properties such as density, compressibility and permeability.

Working with powders

This section of Freeman Technology’s website gives visitors a brief overview of the complexity of powders, the challenges associated with working with powders, and how comprehensive powder characterisation can help predict behaviour, ultimately leading to optimised product development and efficient manufacturing.


The company’s literature library contains a wide variety of downloads which cover information on specific industries from pharmaceuticals to Additive Manufacturing, and application-based content from filling to caking. The section is easy to navigate with all literature categorised according to industry.


Freeman Technology has published several educational guides introducing working with powders. The guides are written in a straightforward, easy to understand style, addressing individual topics providing a foundation for those with little prior knowledge of powders, as well as being a useful resource for those looking to expand their understanding of the factors relevant to product development and processing performance.

Online presentations

The company has a selection of on demand presentations which are designed to provide an introduction to powder flow and powder behaviour, including ‘Working with Powders: How Comprehensive Characterisation can Optimise your Process’, ‘Using the FT4 Powder Rheometer® for Wet Granulation Applications’, and ‘Evaluating Process-Relevant Powder Properties for Additive Manufacturing’. They also provide an overview of the powder testing instrumentation available from Freeman Technology.

Videos and animations

Several videos and animations are available providing an introduction to Freeman Technology, the products it offers, and its extensive application knowledge.

March 31, 2020

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