Formnext + PM South China reports high registration rates for September 2021 event

April 19, 2021

The organisers of Formnext + PM South China, Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd and Uniris Exhibition Shanghai Co Ltd, have reported high registration rates for the Additive Manufacturing, Powder Metallurgy, and advanced ceramics event which is scheduled to take place in Shenzhen, China, from September 9–11, 2021.

The show will include a strong focus on the Chinese market and cover an array of AM solutions and materials, smart manufacturing technologies and equipment, PM products, ceramic materials and forming technologies, post-processing solutions and more.

In 2020, the global pandemic accelerated smart manufacturing efforts and ushered in the long-term adoption of innovative automated production solutions. In light of this, and the fact the Chinese manufacturing industry had been steadily growing, this fair has attracted many global exhibitors to present their latest innovations and products to other industry players this year. The reported registration numbers are said to reflect a confidence that the industry has in the fair as a meeting ground for sourcing, manufacturing and forming technologies in Asia.

As the circumstances within China continue to improve following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Formnext + PM South China hopes to play a crucial role in providing a platform to further boost industry growth and facilitate business exchange. Some of the suppliers who will present AM materials, products and solutions include: Artec 3D, Beijing E-Plus 3D Tech Co Ltd, EOS Electro Optical Systems (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Formlabs, Longyuan AFS Co Ltd, Peshing New Metal (Changzhou) Co Ltd, Phrozen Tech Co Ltd, Shenzhen Creality 3D Technology Co Ltd, Sino-Euro Materials Technologies of Xi’an Co Ltd and others.

Equally eager to participate in the 2021 fair are a number of PM exhibitors who will showcase their latest products and solutions; among those confirmed are Dongguan Cfine Machinery Technology Co Ltd, Dongguan Yutian Material Co Ltd, Feedtec Material Technology Co Ltd, Jiangxi Yuean Advanced Materials Co Ltd, Jilin Changyu Advanced Materials Co Ltd, Mei-Yang Technology Co Ltd, Ningbo Hiper Vacuum Technology Co Ltd, Qingdao Greenlong Machinery Co Ltd, Shenzhen Sanxing Feirong Machine Co Ltd, and Tdg Machinery Technology Co Ltd.

As an integral part of Formnext + PM South China, a series of concurrent events will be organised during the fair with the presence of many well-known manufacturing and forming industry experts to exchange ideas and introduce technologies that aim to drive the industry forward. Academics from across the South China region will gather and share ground-breaking research and innovations, as well as insights on the trends and future developments of the industry. Some of the highlighted topics featured at the debut fair include:

  • 3D Printing Application Conference – Powered by UNLANDS UNLANDS, one of China’s leading digital manufacturing cloud platforms, has partnered with the organiser of Formnext + PM South China to host the first 3D Printing Application Conference scheduled to open on September 10 at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. Topics covered at the conference will provide both physical and virtual attendees with the latest news and applications of AM materials, equipment, software, services and more.
  • China Additive Manufacturing and Powder Metallurgy Product Launch Conference China Additive Manufacturing and Powder Metallurgy Product Launch Conference, jointly arranged by the organisers of Formnext + PM South China and some of the industry’s renowned publications within the region, will make its first appearance at the fair. Apart from being a platform for suppliers to showcase their latest products, a group of industry specialists will form a judging panel to vote for the most innovative product launched at the conference. Exhibitors confirmed to date for the conference include SLM, Rayshape, Shenzhen Creality 3D Technology, Shenzhen Anycubic, UNIZ and others.
  • The 3rd South China Injection Moulding and Additive Manufacturing Technology and Application Summit The summit will gather numerous domestic and international industry leaders and manufacturing experts to share their experiences and visions on some of the most innovative applications and solutions for AM and injection moulding. The aim of the summit is to identify the technical needs during various production process while facilitating the development and popularity of Additive Manufacturing technologies and other advanced materials in the Chinese market.
  • The 2nd Ceramic Substrate Preparation Technology and Industrial Chain Application Development Forum Chaired by experts and academic speakers representing renowned industry enterprises and research institutions, the forum will cast a spotlight on ceramic focused topics including ceramic substrate preparation, ceramic substrate applications in different manufacturing processes, and the latest findings and development trends on ceramic substrates. The forum serves as an information exchange hub to shed light on industry trends and the market outlook.

Further information is available through the event’s website.

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