Fachmetall presents awards to Ecopart and Gevorkyan
October 1, 2012
Fachmetall GmbH, a metallurgical laboratory specialising in Powder Metallurgy materials based in Radevormwald, Germany, presented its annual “PM Qualification Award“ and “QM Context Award” during the Euro PM2012 Conference in Basel, Switzerland.

The “PM Qualification Award” was presented to
Bernd Krentscher of Ecopart GmbH (left) by Holger
Davin of Fachmetall GmbH
PM Qualification Award: Ecopart GmbH
This year’s prize winner of the “PM Qualification Award” was Ecopart GmbH based in Zug, Switzerland. The company supports its international customer base in the development of structural components from the drawing board to the start-up of volume production.
Fachmetall stated that with its strong focus on a wide range of PM materials, Ecopart GmbH plays a significant role in expanding the range of PM applications. This award, added Fachmetall, underlines Ecopart’s excellent knowledge and expertise in powder metallurgical processes and the high standard of the prize winner in the manufacture and application of powder metal products.

Artur Gevorkyan and his wife (left) received the
“Quality Context Award” from Holger Davin of
Fachmetall GmbH
Quality Context Award: Gevorkyan s.r.o.
For the first time Fachmetall’s 2012 “Quality Context Award” was presented to a company which exclusively operates in the field of Powder Metallurgy. In recent years the PM plant of Gevorkyan s.r.o. in Vlkanová, Slovak Republic, has matured from a small specialised PM manufacturer into a globally operating company.
The expansion of processing capabilities and production capacities has been accompanied by the consequent implementation and extension of a quality management system and the establishment of an R&D department. Gevorkyan was awarded for its dedication to the supply of high quality PM products at competitive prices.
Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor ipmd.net, [email protected]
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