Expansion at Atlas Pressed Metals with addition of two new compaction presses

May 17, 2018

May 17, 2018

Expansion at Atlas Pressed Metals with addition of two new compaction presses

Atlas Pressed Metals has installed a 100-Ton Gasbarre die set press (left) and Osterwalder CA-NC II 1600 7-level press (right) at its facility in DuBois, Pennsylvania, USA (Courtesy Atlas Pressed Metals)


Atlas Pressed Metals has installed two additional compaction presses at its manufacturing facility in DuBois, Pennsylvania, USA. The Powder Metallurgy parts maker has installed a new 175-ton CNC fully hydraulic Osterwalder press and a Gasbarre 100-ton die set press with two lower and two upper punch capability.

The Osterwalder CA/NC 1600 will provide the ability to manufacture components of up to seven levels at the Atlas plant. The Gasbarre 100-ton die-set press will help to expand current manufacturing capacity while filling a role between Atlas’ 60-ton and 150-ton business.

Atlas manufactures Powder Metallurgy components for the automotive, appliance, lawn and garden, controls, electric motors and hand tools industries. The company stated that it invested in the seven-level press to expand its capabilities in complex structural parts.

During the compaction process each ‘level’ of the part is separately supported by its own punch or set of punches. The hydraulic action can move the powder into place at each level prior to compaction. This added powder transfer capability, combined with a four levels down, three levels up press, renders the new unit extremely versatile in forming complex parts with more uniformity in density throughout the part, the company stated.

Joe Pfingstler, Technical Sales Manager, Atlas Pressed Metals, explained that in standard action mechanical and die set presses, the tooling movement is tied to the speed and position of the cam as it rotates. “Standard mechanical pressing works well for many components, but there are applications that it can limit the ability to quickly make adjustments, or might otherwise require tooling modifications to produce a finished component,” he stated.

“The combination of CNC and hydraulics allows for independent movement of tooling levels,” he continued. “By freeing the tool from the rotational position of the press cam, each tooling level can move as needed in both direction and speed. This freedom provides the ability to fill, position the material, compact and eject the finished component more effectively.”

The Osterwalder press also features a tool deflection monitoring system, to allow the die setter to adjust for tool deflection that may develop within the stroke cycle, rather than making adjustments or accepting variations caused by the tool deflection. The computerised press further monitors and records tonnage per job and other press data features, which can easily be accessed for traceability as needed. Pfingstler noted this feature is an extension of Atlas’ current data collection system.

With the presses installed and now running, manufacturing floor space at Atlas Pressed Metals is near capacity. Atlas stated it will soon be releasing details on a new expansion at the plant.

May 17, 2018

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