European Powder Metallurgy Association to launch new club projects
November 12, 2014
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced it will soon be launching two new ‘Club Projects’.
The first of the projects, ‘Correlation study of mechanical properties/microstructure/fracture behaviour of industrial parts and standardised tensile specimens (MicroTest)’, is organised in partnership with the Instituto IMDEA Materiales, Madrid, Spain.
This project’s aims are to study the mechanical properties and the fracture behaviour (hardness and tensile features) in correlation with the microstructure using real parts. These will be produced in industrial conditions and standard specimens obtained in the same industrial conditions.
The second project, ‘Anisotropy of dimensional change on sintering of uniaxially cold compacted parts (AnDiC)’, will be run in partnership with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy.
The project aims are to investigate the influence of the geometry of the parts, the material and the green density on anisotropy of dimensional change on sintering of uniaxially cold compacted greens. The expected benefits for the industrial partners are the development of a design procedure and a knowledge database in order to evaluate the influence of density and sintering temperature in standard and non-standard process conditions.
Both projects are expected to start at the end of 2014 or early 2015 and are only open to members of the EPMA.