Euro PM2018 Congress & Exhibition attracts record number of abstracts
August 10, 2018

Euro PM2018 will take place in Bilbao, Spain (pictured)
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) states that it has received a record number of abstracts for its Euro PM2018 Congress & Exhibition, set to take place in Bilbao, Spain, October 14-18, 2018. According to the association, over three hundred abstracts have been submitted, representing an increase of over 30% compared to Euro PM2017. The result will reportedly be one of the most extensive Euro PM Technical Programmes in the conference’s history.
The Euro PM2018 Technical Programme will aim to showcase how the fields of Powder Metallurgy – from conventional press and sinter to metal Additive Manufacturing, hard materials and diamond tools, Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), and Metal Injection Moulding (MIM), can create unique advantages for industrial designers and engineers.
This year’s event will be held in the Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC), with technical sessions taking place in the BEC Tower, one of the tallest buildings in Bilbao. Running parallel to the technical programme, the Euro PM Exhibition will represent all areas of the PM industry, from raw material suppliers through to equipment manufacturers and nondestructive testing companies. The BEC’s exhibition pavilion is said to offer more than 5,000m2 of dedicated exhibition space and will host more than one hundred exhibitors.
In addition to the technical sessions, delegates will have the opportunity to attend seven Special Interest Seminars (SIS) covering the following sectors:
- Press & Sinter – A Critical Analysis of the Press & Sintering Technology
- Functional Materials: Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials
- EIT RawMaterials: Competitive and Sustainable Powder Metallurgy Industry
- Hard Materials/Hardmetals – Micromechanical Testing of HM
- Additive Manufacturing – Success Case Studies in Production and Future Preview of Metal AM
- Hot Isostatic Pressing & Additive Manufacturing – Microstructure and Mechanical
- Properties and the Effect of Combined HIP and Heat Treatment Cycles Compared to Conventional Processing
- Hot Isostatic Pressing – HIP and Heat Treatment of IN718-Microstructure and
- Mechanical Property Relationships of HIPed and Heat-Treated Powder IN718
- Metal Injection Moulding – Quality and Tolerances of MIM Component
The full technical programme is available to download via the event website. Registration will be available at a reduced Advanced Delegate Rate until September 5, 2018.