Euro PM2017 to welcome over 800 participants
September 20, 2017

Over 800 participants have now registered to attend the EPMA’s Euro PM2017 Congress and Exhibition in Milan, Italy, the organiser states. With the release of these figures, the event is taking shape as one of the largest Powder Metallurgy industry events in 2017, attracting a number of technical and industrial participants.
Organised by the EPMA, the four-day event will take place at the Milano Congressi, Milan, Italy, October 1-5, 2017, and will cover all topics relevant to Powder Metallurgy, including PM structural parts, hard materials and diamond tools, Hot Isostatic Pressing, new PM materials and applications, Powder Injection Moulding and Additive Manufacturing.
According to the EPMA, Euro PM2017 will feature an in-depth technical conference programme alongside an exhibition showcasing the latest developments from the PM global supply chain. In addition to the main programme, a number of EPMA working group meetings and workshops will be held, as well as special interest seminars covering the main sectors of the Powder Metallurgy industry.
Plenary speakers for this year’s conference include:
Welcome from the EPMA President: The European PM Industry – Current Status
Philippe Gundermann, President, EPMA
An update on the current status of the European Powder Metallurgy Industry, including raw material trends, an overview of key PM industrial sectors such as automotive & aerospace and a look at some of the advantages PM can leverage in the coming years.
Powder Metallurgy at BHGE Turbomachinery Process Solutions: Advanced Manufacturing for a Smart Factory
Massimo Giannozzi Baker Hughes, a GE Company, Italy
Powder Metallurgy is continuously raising interest in different industrial sectors driven by the effort of cost reduction and speed required by the market. Lower machining cost, reduction of wastage, uniformity and isotropy of the material properties are just some of the benefits PM is driving versus conventional manufacturing methods. Several components of BHGE gas turbine and compressors are today manufactured by PM in order to reduce time and prototype cost, enable serial production and provide tailored solutions to customer requests.
This speech describes the PM technology in use at BHGE TPS and the development process enabling the components serial production. Presenting an overview of future challenges and needs in terms of engineering expertise, material science and equipment capability, and a look at efforts to address cost and lead time reduction.
The plenary session will also include the presentation of the following EPMA Awards:
- PM Thesis Competition (Sponsored by Höganäs AB)
- Keynote Paper Awards (Sponsored by Taylor & Francis)
- Distinguished Service Award
- Fellowship Award
Tickets for full delegates include a Congress Dinner, to be held on October 4 at the Alfa Romeo Museum, Milan. The dinner schedule will include an after-hours tour of the museum and 4D cinema experience, concluding with a seated dinner in the Alfa Romeo Cafe.
The full conference programme is available via the event website.