Euro PM2012 Technical Programme & Exhibition Guide now available
May 23, 2012
The Euro PM2012 Congress & Exhibition, 16-19 September, Basel, Switzerland will focus on the key PM sectors of “Hard Materials & Diamond Tooling”, “Powder Injection Moulding”, “Hot Isostatic Pressing” and “PM Applications and New Processes”.
Delegates registering for the event, organised by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), will also be able to take the opportunity to participate in Special Interest Seminars of invited papers on:
- New Opportunities for PM in the Emerging Markets of Renewable Energy
- Material Properties & Material Selection for Hot Isostatic Pressing
- Titanium in Powder Injection Moulding
- Modelling & Application of Hard Material
There will be a schedule of EPMA Working and special Sector Group meetings, which are scheduled to coincide with the event.
The Euro PM2012 Exhibition runs in parallel with the Technical Programme and features a sold-out exhibition area representing the full PM supply chain in one location. This is the ideal venue to source new equipment manufacturers, raw materials contacts and ancillary PM services.
“The Congress Centre Basel will be an easy-to-reach-location for the European PM community and related sectors to join together to network and discuss potential business opportunities in 2012”, explained Jonathan Wroe, EPMA’s Executive Director. “With some 200 technical papers, including Special Interest Seminars on a range of unique topics and a sold-out exhibition area featuring companies from throughout the PM supply chain, this year’s event will be a must attend occasion”, he added.
The Euro PM2012 Congress & Exhibition Technical Programme brochure, containing technical paper abstracts, exhibition listings, social events, factory tours and registration/accommodation forms, is now available from
Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]
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