EPMA’s third Hard Materials ‘WINTEREV’ meeting scheduled to take place in Barcelona
August 14, 2013
The EPMA’s European Hard Materials Group will be holding the third in its series of SUMMEREV/WINTEREV meetings at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 17-18 October 2013.
The first in the series of meetings, focussing on fracture, fatigue and damage characterisation of Hard Materials, took place in 2010 at NPL, London, UK, and had an emphasis on experimental issues. The second meeting in 2011 at CEIT, San Sebastian, Spain, continued the assessment of experimental issues but also looked at the role that modelling can play. The third meeting, WINTEREV 13, will address the key issues tackled in the previous meetings but with an added emphasis on elevated temperature characterisation.
The proposed schedule includes the following presentations:
Aspects of mechanical tests at temperature
D Mari, EPFLCreep bend tests
W Lengauer, T-U WienCreep tested microstructures
TBC, Chalmers University
Fracture and fatigue micromechanisms at elevated temperature
L Llanes, UPCSmall scale tests at elevated temperature
B Roebuck, NPL
EPMA activities review and EHMG project comments
O Coube, EPMAWear damage
S Norgren, SandvikWear damage: Near nano to Ultra coarse hardmetals
I Konyashin, Element Six3D metrology/ Tribology
M G Gee, NPLHardmetal tensile strength – specimen size effects
T Klünsner, MCL LeobenSmall scale deformation, microbeams
J-M Sanchez/Moreno, CEITA Mesoscopical FEM-model for fatigue and creep of hard metal
C Broeckmann, AachenDebate on future activities
L Prakash/S Moseley, EHMG
For further information and to register for the meeting contact Joan Hallward, [email protected]
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