EPMA to showcase Powder Metallurgy industry at Farnborough international airshow
July 5, 2016

The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced it will be promoting Powder Metallurgy to the aerospace sector whilst exhibiting at the Farnborough International Airshow, 11 – 15 July 2016.
The five-day trade only exhibition, which runs every two years, is one of the largest of its kind with over 1500 exhibitors and over 100,000 visitors. “Exhibiting at an event of this size and scope can only benefit EPMA Members by the leads that can be generated through participating at one of the premier aerospace industry events,” stated Andrew Almond, EPMA’s Marketing Manager.
“By promoting each PM process, there will be natural linkages to exploit and synergies to realise, when discussing new and existing projects with the delegates and visitors at Farnborough’s International Airshow,” added Almond.