EPMA releases EURO PM2024 Congress & Exhibition Technical Programme
May 22, 2024

The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has published the Technical Programme for the Euro PM2024 Congress & Exhibition. The event is scheduled to take place September 29 – October 2, 2024, in Malmö, Sweden.
The Euro PM2024 Congress Programme includes over 250 technical papers presented in oral and poster sessions, including EPMA Keynote Paper Awards presentations, as well as twelve in-depth Special Interest Seminars.
Running parallel to the technical sessions, the Euro PM2024 Exhibition is one of the largest dedicated Powder Metallurgy industry exhibitions in 2024, with representatives from across the world expected to attend the international exhibition in Malmö.
The Euro PM2024 social programme intends to give delegates additional opportunities to network and will include a welcome reception, a posters reception and a congress dinner.
The full schedule for the event is available here.
The full Technical Guide can be found here.