EPMA Launches 2016 Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition
February 2, 2016
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced the launch of its 2016 Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition at both Diploma (Masters) and Doctorate (PhD) levels. The aim of the competition is to develop an interest in Powder Metallurgy among young scientists at European academic establishments and to encourage research at under-graduate and post-graduate levels.
The competition is open to all applicants who have graduated from a European university and who have had their theses approved during the 2013/2014, 204/2015 or 2015/2016 academic years. The subject must be classified under the topic Powder Metallurgy.
The prizes, sponsored by Höganäs AB, will be presented at the World PM2016 Congress & Exhibition which will take place October 9 – 13, in Hamburg, Germany. The winner of the diploma category will receive a cheque for €750 and the doctorate category winner will receive €1,000. Both winners will also receive free registration to the World PM2016 Congress.
The deadline for submitting entries to the Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition is April 29, 2016.