EPMA Distinguished Service Award presented to Jan Tengzelius
October 22, 2014
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has presented its 2014 Distinguished Service Award to Jan Tengzelius.
Tengzelius, who began his career in Powder Metallurgy in 1974 when he was employed as development engineer at Höganäs AB, Sweden, was presented the prestigious award at Euro PM2014 International Conference and Exhibition held in Salzburg, Austria, by Congress Co-Chairman Prof Lorenz Sigl.
Following his graduation at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology in the field of metallurgy, Tengzelius worked at the Institute for Metals Research in Stockholm before starting at Höganäs AB. From 1977 until 1983 he was in charge of product development at Höganäs with focus on high strength sintered steels such as phosphorous alloyed materials and diffusion alloyed powders in the Distaloy family. He was also instrumental in the development of bonded powder mixes and soft magnetic materials.
In 1983 he took over as managing director of the development company Cold Isostatic Pressing Systems. In this position he was responsible for development and technology sales of this forming method primarily for the production of PM cylinder liners.
Between the years 1989 to 2006 he was the R&D manager for Höganäs followed by some years as Technical Director for Future Technologies, a department that lies within the Höganäs AB Global Development area with responsibility for development of technologies outside of the company’s existing business areas. He is now acting as an advisor to this department.
Over the years he has contributed to the growth of PM especially by developing metal powders and consolidation methods for highly loaded components, working in close partnership with research organisations, customers and users of PM components. Tengzelius has also headed the development of soft magnetic composites, designated Somaloy, especially suited for design of electrical motors and generators having low energy losses and high torque.
Tengzelius is a former member of the EPMA council and board was also active as chairman of the Powder Metallurgy group of Jernkontoret in Sweden and as a secretary of the ISO TC 119 sub committee on PM.