EPMA celebrates a successful World PM2016 Congress & Exhibition

October 26, 2016

October 26, 2016


EPMA celebrates a successful World PM2016 Congress & Exhibition


Earlier this month the German city of Hamburg played host to the World PM2016 Congress & Exhibition event, 9-13 October 2016. The ‘World Series’ event, organised and sponsored by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), made for a truly international experience with participants attending from over sixty countries, including the Far East, Africa and the Americas.

The appeal of the World PM2016 event meant that it attracted over 400 oral and poster presentations and the EPMA reported a strong attendance in excess of 1900 participants. The event also included a sell-out exhibition with over 200 booths covering companies from all parts of the PM supply chain.

Dr Lionel Aboussouan, EPMA Executive Director, stated, “Hamburg will be well remembered within Powder Metallurgy circles for a positive and successful World PM event. We would like to thank all the EPMA supporters who, over the last five years, have helped to create a first-rate World PM event in Europe. We would also like to thank our sponsors BASF, Höganäs AB, Linde AG, Makin Metal Powders UK, Rio Tinto QMP, SACMI Imola SC and Taylor & Francis Group; our Keynote speakers Oliver Schauerte, VW and Roland Käppner and ThyssenKrupp; the Technical Programme Committee and Michael Krehl, this year’s Congress Chairman.”

Our full report on World PM2016 will be publishing in the Winter 2016 issue of PM Review magazine. Meanwhile, work is underway for next year’s Euro PM2017 Congress & Exhibition, to be held in Milan, October 1-4, 2017.


October 26, 2016

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