EPMA appoints new Technical Manager
February 25, 2019
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced that Bruno Vicenzi is to join the association as its new Technical Manager. The move follows the announcement last year that Dr Olivier Coube will step down as EPMA Technical Director at the end of February 2019.
Vicenzi received a Master’s Degree in Physics from the University of Genova in 1988, and a Diploma in Material Science and Technology in 1993. He worked from 1990 to 2002 as a researcher in Powder Technology, Materials and Applications at Centro Sviluppo Materiali SpA in Genova. Vicenzi was a founding partner of the MIM Company MIMITALIA Srl, which became Clayver Srl in 2016, and served there from 2002 to 2019 as a Production Manager, responsible for research projects and liaison with EPMA and the EU.
He was also Co-Chairman of the EuroMIM group from 2003 to 2017, and a member of the EPMA Council from 2005 to 2017. Vicenzi will be based out of the EPMA’s new office in Chantilly, France.
In his role as Technical Manager, Vicenzi will be actively working with the association’s sectoral groups, as well as gathering and analysing relevant industry statistics, organising research projects and working on the development of new research programmes. He will also be responsible for coordinating the EPMA’s training and education activities.
Those wishing to contact Vicenzi should email [email protected].