EPMA announces the 2020 Distinguished Service Awards at Euro PM2020

October 7, 2020

The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) announced the recipients of its 2020 Distinguished Service Award during the opening session of Euro PM2020, held this year as a digital event from October 5–7 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Since 1998, the EPMA’s Distinguished Service Awards have been presented in recognition of individuals who make an outstanding contribution to the European PM industry. Recipients are selected by the EPMA Council and receive their award at the association’s annual congress.

This year, the Distinguished Service Award was presented to Philippe Gundermann and Dr Steven Moseley.

Philippe Gundermann, VP Strategy and Investor Relations, Eramet

Philippe Gundermann received a 2020 Distinguished Service Award (Courtesy EPMA)

With a metallurgical engineering background, Philippe Gundermann has held various technical and managerial positions within France’s ERAMET Group since joining in 1993. He began in the nickel-cobalt Sandouville Refinery as Principal Process Engineer, and after the development of new recycling activities he took over the R&D and Investment Management for this division. He was later involved in the industrial strategy of the Nickel Division at ERAMET, particularly during the first stages of the major industrial programs in New Caledonia.

From 2003 to 2007, Gundermann was CEO of Eurotungstene, a 100% subsidiary of ERAMET, leading the team and developing new powder products and metallurgical businesses in the competitive international metal markets, with a specific focus on Asia.

In 2007, Gundermann was appointed CEO of Aubert & Duval and ERASTEEL, a position he held for six years. From there he was appointed Executive Vice President Strategy and Innovation, Investor Relations, and is now also responsible for the overall supervision of research and engineering activities for the ERAMET Group.

In addition to his work at ERAMET, he is involved in a number of professional organisations, and has been president of the EPMA and a board member of A3M (Mining, Minerals and Metals Alliance).

Dr Steven Moseley, Chief Scientist (Hard Materials) and Key Expert (Inserts Development), Hilti AG

Steve Moseley received a 2020 Distinguished Service Award (Courtesy EPMA)

Steve Moseley holds a bachelors degree and PhD in Metallurgy from the University of Sheffield, UK, and has worked in the field of Powder Metallurgy since 1987.

Following research work on the HIPing of ceramic-metal powder composites, he spent three years in the steel industry before returning to PM as Technical/Quality Manager for a UK-based hardmetal manufacturer.

Since 1996 he has worked at Hilti AG in Liechtenstein, primarily on the development of cutting materials, joining technologies and drilling systems, covering cemented tungsten carbide hardmetals, diamond impregnated segments and polycrystalline diamond. His current position is Key Expert and Chief Scientist within the Business Area Electric Tools and Accessories.

In addition to his work at Hilti, Dr Moseley is a Council Member of the EPMA and co-chairman of the European Hard Materials Group (EuroHM).


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