Detlev Stöver joins Allomet Board of Directors
September 23, 2013
Allomet Corporation, North Huntingdon, USA, a supplier of hardmetal, thermal spray, and specialty high performance powder products has announced the appointment of Prof Dr Detlev Stöver to the company’s Board of Directors.
Prof Dr Detlev Stöver is an internationally recognised pioneer in thermal spray technology development and applications and is a member of ASM International’s Thermal Spray Hall of Fame.
Before joining Allomet’s Board Prof Dr Stöver was with Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany and before his retirement was a full professor and Chairman of Materials Synthesis and Processing at Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany. Prof Dr Stöver has pioneered research primarily in the areas of plasma-spray thermal barrier coatings, heat resistant coatings for use in nuclear fusion reactors, development of diagnostic tools to improve coating performance and advanced thermal spray coating processes such as suspension plasma spray and LPPS-PVD.
Prof Dr Stöver is also a member of the German Welding Society programming committee and has served as organiser, chairman, and plenary speaker at International Thermal Spray Conference, which selected him to the Thermal Spray Hall of Fame of ASM International for significant contributions in the area. He currently serves as a reviewer of papers for the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology.
“Allomet is extremely gratified that Prof Dr Detlev Stöver, a globally-known expert in thermal spray technologies, has joined our Board of Directors. His deep understanding and enthusiasm for our innovative EternAloy® Tough-Coated Hard Powder (TCHP) products will add value for Allomet’s growing base of customers. He is a grand addition to our uniquely talented organization,” stated Hannjörg Hereth, Allomet’s Chairman. “Prof Dr Stöver’s insights regarding new surface coating technologies and applications are invaluable. We could not be more pleased.”