DeburringEXPO trade fair to highlight deburring technologies and precision surface finishing

January 25, 2019

January 25, 2019

DeburringEXPO trade fair to highlight deburring technologies and precision surface finishing

Visitors to the trade fair at DeburringEXPO 2017 (Courtesy fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG)


DeburringEXPO, the only trade fair to deal exclusively with the removal of burrs and the production of precision surface finishes, will be held at the Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre, Karlsruhe, Germany, from October 8-10, 2019. As a unique information, communication and procurement platform for deburring, rounding and precision surface finishing, DeburringEXPO is expected to provide a complete overview of current and new solutions and development trends.

In addition to the trade fair, a supplementary programme of ‘Theme Parks’ covering the special issues ‘AM Parts Finishing’, ‘Cleaning After Deburring’ and ‘Sheet Metal Deburring Process Sequence’, as well as a bilingual expert forum, will offer specialised knowledge to attendees. The AM Parts Finishing Theme Park will look at the increasing requirements for the surface quality of additively manufactured parts, and required post-processing steps such as cleaning, deburring and coating as a significant cost factor for industrial AM.

In the Cleaning After Deburring Theme Park, experts will present solutions and the necessary knowledge for cleaning oil, grease, emulsions, chips, grinding dust or lapping paste left on components following production. Solutions will look at how to layout and optimise cleaning process economically and in accordance with requirements.

In addition, the three-day bilingual expert forum will feature simultaneously interpreted presentations in German and English and provide visitors with comprehensive knowledge from the fields of deburring and rounding, as well as precision surface finishing, including topics related to the Theme Park subject areas. Practical examples and benchmark solutions for optimised processes will also be showcased.

“As of mid-January 2019, more than 100 exhibitors from ten countries had already made firm bookings for their booth locations. The solutions offered by the exhibiting companies are designed to efficiently and reproducibly fulfil current and future requirements for deburring, rounding and precision surface finishing in a great variety of industry sectors,” reported Hartmut Herdin, Managing Director of fairXperts GmbH & Co KG, promoters of DeburringEXPO.

January 25, 2019

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