Deadline nears for PowderMet2023 abstract submissions
October 31, 2022
The deadline to submit abstracts for next year’s edition of the International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials (PowderMet2023) is nearing. Organisers Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and its affiliate APMI International require abstract submission prior to November 5, 2022.
The event is scheduled to take place alongside the Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy Conference (AMPM) at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, from June 18-21, 2023.
Categories in which abstracts are accepted include:
- Design & modelling of PM materials, components and processes
- Particulate production
- General compaction & forming processes
- Powder Injection Molding (metals & ceramics)
- Pre-sintering & sintering
- Secondary operations
- Materials
- Refractory metals, carbides & Ceramics
- Advanced particulate materials & processes
- Material properties
- Test & evaluation
- Applications
- Management issues
All technical papers will be included in the conference proceedings, and highly rated papers will also be included in the APMI’s International Journal of Powder Metallurgy Select Manuscripts distribution.
Submission is available via the MPIF’s event page.