CNPC Powder gains SCS certification for recycled aluminium and titanium powders

October 7, 2024

CNPC has also finalised the facility expansion at its Anhui Additive Manufacturing Campus (Courtesy CNPC)
CNPC has also finalised the facility expansion at its Anhui Additive Manufacturing Campus (Courtesy CNPC)

CNPC Powder, headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, has achieved a Certificate of Carbon Footprint for Aluminium and a Certificate of Achievement for Aluminium made from recycled materials from SCS Global Services, said to demonstrate sustainable development at scale. The company is reported to be the first manufacturer of titanium and aluminium alloy powders, with production based in China, to achieve SCS certification.

“Our technologies are focused on ensuring that we can sustainably scale for large applications in AM without compromising the environment,” stated Paul Shen, CEO of CNPC Powder. “Our mission is rooted in transforming the industry by implementing eco-friendly practices and promoting the recycling and reuse of critical materials, including aluminium alloys, titanium alloy powders, and beyond. This milestone is merely the first step on our path to carbon neutrality.”

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CNPC has been producing metal powders for Additive Manufacturing in China for more than a decade, over which time it has developed a proprietary Additive Manufacturing Production (AMP) atomisation technology. AMP is said to have a better composition ratio, less gas consumption and lower cost than other powder production methods, aiding the production team in achieving up to a 400% reduction in the carbon footprint of materials produced whilst tailoring properties to better suit Additive Manufacturing.

Comparison of major Al powder production processes vs AMP technology (Courtesy CNPC Powder)
Comparison of major Al powder production processes vs AMP technology (Courtesy CNPC Powder)

In expanding its research and development of green technologies, including refining recycling processes and enhancing product performance, CNPC has also finalised the facility expansion at its Anhui AM Campus. The additional of floor space will be used for the production of 45 tons of recycled Al powder per month.

At the same time CNPC says that it has been an active participant in developing industrial standards that promote the ecological advancement of the entire Additive Manufacturing industry, including partnerships with leading local Universities and global companies in the electronics, automotive and aerospace sectors.

“Our journey to 100% recycled materials has begun with the most reactive and high-value applications, meeting rigorous aviation and automotive standards without compromising quality,” says Kathy Liu Global Sales Manager. Currently, CNPC has a resource utilisation rate of over 90% for recycled aluminium and titanium.

By utilising recycled raw materials, CNPC states that it is contributing to both environmental sustainability and potential cost savings for customers. “Our efforts are geared toward reducing carbon emissions, lessening the impact of global warming, and setting a new standard for sustainability in the metal powder industry,” it was added. “Through sustainable practices and innovative technologies, we are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of metal manufacturing and contributing to a greener future.”



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