Characterisation of fine particles with Dynamic Image Analysis
August 12, 2014
Retsch Technology GmbH, Haan, Germany, has introduced its new Camsizer XT system for the quality control of fine powders. The system offers precise and faster analysis of particle size and particle shape, helping to improve the product quality, reduce rejects and save costs, states Retsch.
The design of the Camsizer XT is optimised for fine samples in a size range from 1 µm to 3 mm. Retsch states that fine particles tend to agglomerate which makes it difficult to record the properties of a single particle. Therefore, it is important to have different ways of feeding the sample to the analysis area in order to get the desired dispersion of the agglomerates without destroying the individual particle.
The Camsizer XT offers three alternative dispersion methods: 1) Dispersion by gravity of pourable, not agglomerated particles; 2) Dispersion of agglomerated particles by air pressure, accelerating and dispersing the particles through a nozzle with adjustable overpressure; 3) Dispersion in liquids with the option of ultra sound.